Medical Services

Wexford Health’s comprehensive medical program includes all of the services necessary to implement and maintain a successful correctional health care delivery system.

  • Onsite care
  • Offsite care
  • Laboratory, x-ray, and other diagnostic services
  • Vision and hearing services
  • Infection control programs
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Medical recordkeeping
  • Hospice and end-of-life programs
  • Re-entry and recidivism programs
  • Dental services
  • Pharmacy services

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

In addition to the financial, educational, and career advancement rewards, a position with Wexford Health offers personal fulfillment, providing you with hands-on  opportunities to positively impact a truly disadvantaged population.   

We will be happy to speak with you to learn about your goals and discuss how we can help you achieve them.

Thank you for visiting our website and choosing to learn more about our company.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Copyright © 2022
Wexford Health Sources, Inc.



Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
501 Holiday Drive
Suite 300, Foster Plaza Four
Pittsburgh, PA 15220



Wexford Health Sources employees, login here.